By Melanie Cousins 27th May 2021

FSC is giving away thousands of free wildlife guides this summer to help young people connect with nature and grow their skills. The exciting initiative is part of the Generation Green project, which FSC is a partner in.

Anyone aged 16-25 in England is eligible to apply for the chance to get a pack of two stunning guides, with a choice including birds, marine and insects.

Each guide is informative, colourful and splashproof, perfect for taking outdoors.

Participants will be joining the national community of like-minded people starting to study wildlife and help others. We post over 100,000 guides each year.

As well guides in the post, you’ll also be able to receive ideas by email for finding wildlife and volunteer and career ideas to protect the natural environment. 

Head of FSC Publications Rebecca Farley-Brown said: “Our popular guides offer a fantastic introduction to wildlife, right through to advanced identification skills. For anyone interested in the natural world they are so helpful and we’re delighted to be able to introduce thousands more people to them through this project.”

guides in free offer

FSC has guides to share thanks to the wonderful support from the Generation Green project funded by DEFRA in partnership with NLHF, lead by YHA. Generation Green is an ambitious project which will support 100,000 young people and teachers/youth leaders to better understand the environment and green economy. 

Register for free guides