Freshwater name trail
The classic pond-dipping guide! Used successfully by generations of visitors to FSC. The straightforward flow charts guides you quickly to the main groups of animals of ponds and streams.
The classic pond-dipping guide! Used successfully by generations of visitors to FSC. The straightforward flow charts guides you quickly to the main groups of animals of ponds and streams.
The classic pond-dipping guide! Used successfully by generations of visitors to FSC. The fully waterproof version.
Want to watch tadpoles develop into frogs? This guide shows how easy it is to rear tadpoles successfully at school or home.
The FSC Fish guide covers all the freshwater fish of ponds, streams and rivers in Britain and Ireland. It's possible to identify many fish from outside the water. There is no need to catch them.
Toads, frogs, newts, lizards and snakes.. with 13 species of non-marine reptile and amphibian breeding in Britain, plus the 5 species from Ireland.