A free learning experience for all to find out about the effects of climate change on wildlife and explore nature-based solutions to climate change. #ClimateEnquiry will run two live online broadcasts and support you with the opportunity to take part in local wildlife investigations. Supported by the British Ecological Society.

Digital Hub Update

The popular digital hub has been updated over the summer and now contains over 100 resources. This includes a mixture of worksheets , GIS story maps, CPD resources and includes over 8 hours of video content.
The full contents list can be accessed by clicking here
Subscribe to the Digital Hub, or try our free sample version:
Teach with GIS UK
ERSI have launched their Teach with GIS website that is packed with free support resources and structured lessons that can be embedded into lessons.
The website also contains a section on careers. This is an excellent resource to show how GIS can be used in the world and may inspire the future users of geographical information systems.
Geographical Association

A really useful website for both GCSE & A Level is Geography Education Online
On the website you will find up to date articles, editable PowerPoints and video content that supports human and physical Geography. There are also activities to support geographical skills and enquiry. The A-level resources include some helpful guidance for students and teachers undertaking the non-examined assessment.
And of course you can always download the GA’s podcast – GeogPod
Virtual field trip at Slapton Ley – making in-person fieldwork more inclusive

Virtual field trips support inclusion by allowing staff and students to become acquainted with the field sites they will be visiting and to prepare themselves for the challenges that these sites present. This can be particularly valuable for staff and students with disabilities (seen and unseen). Dr Des McDougall, from the University of Worcester, as part of the NERC-funded More Inclusive Fieldwork project, has produced a self-guided immersive experience based on 3600 imagery exploring the shingle ridge and coastal ecosystems around our Slapton Ley Field Centre. The virtual field trip is suitable for anyone visiting Slapton Ley or looking for virtual resources to support coastal geography or rocky shore ecology for 16-18 courses or first year undergraduates.
New sets of videos in the Digital Hub for 16-18 geography and 16-18 biology

Summer has been a busy time for the digital learning team at the Field Studies Council, with the production of new sets of videos for 16-18 geography (glaciation and data analysis) and 16-18 biology (field techniques, energetics, biodiversity and sustainability). Geographers can learn about surveying different glacial features, whilst biologists can learn to sample a range of freshwater and terrestrial species and gain a deeper insight into key ecological concepts from the exam specifications. We are very proud of our Digital Hub, which now features more than 80 videos and 40 supporting resources.
Investigating Change in the High Street and School Grounds

From 6 to 10 June 2022 we took part in National Fieldwork Week, with the Geographical Association. Download our KS2 and KS3 teacher resource packs, which can be used anytime of year to investigate change in the high street and change in the school grounds.
More than 1,000 schools receive a free subscription to our Digital Hub

More than 1,300 secondary schools are now enrolled to the Field Studies Council Digital Hub, a multimedia resource bank featuring more than 100 teaching videos, GIS maps, worksheets, and teacher CPD videos. In September 2021 we launched our special offer of a free, one-year subscription with any secondary school FSC residential course booking. The Digital Hub will shortly be available for separate purchase and will cost £50 for a one-year teacher subscription or £100 for one-year subscription with teacher and student access.
New ArcGIS Storymaps about urban fieldwork for 14-16 geography

OCR have developed a suite of new digital resources to support urban enquiry in KS4 geography, in partnership with ESRI and the Field Studies Council. The collection of ArcGIS storymaps work through the enquiry process for a human geography fieldwork investigation. The focus for the investigation is the city of Liverpool but the resources could be applied to any area local to the school. The resources aim to both prepare students for in-person fieldwork and for consolidation of learning about the enquiry process. The Field Studies Council provided technical expertise for the fieldwork content and design of data collection sheets.
New videos about rivers fieldwork for 14-18 geography

Time for Geography have produced three new videos to support rivers fieldwork in KS4/KS5 geography in partnership with RSS-Hydro, Aberystwyth University and the Field Studies Council. The videos, which aim to boost fieldwork skills for investigating river channel morphology, flow velocity and sediment characteristics, were recently awarded ‘highly recommended’ in the Geographical Association’s Publishers’ Award.
New ‘live lessons‘ about biodiversity, flooding and the carbon cycle, for 11-16 geography and biology

The National Farming Union have produced four new ‘live lessons’ in partnership with the Field Studies Council, Geographical Association and Association of Science Education. You’ll find biodiversity fieldwork skills for KS3/KS4 biology, and flooding and the carbon cycle for KS3/KS4 geography.
FSC ‘Natural History Live’ webinars

Experience a natural history lecture from an expert in their field, in the comfort of your own home. These forty-minute free webinars provide a rewarding online learning experience for teachers and students alike, on a wide range of biodiversity topics, from the ecosystem services of aquatic insects to the use of earthworms as bioindicators of soil health.

Secondary and Further Education Courses
Set your students up for success with our secondary school trips and courses. Offering excellent first hand experiences for your students, all linked to the curriculum.
Group Leader and Teacher Training
Centre-based and digital courses for teachers
Experiences for Young People
Do you enjoy the natural world and being outdoors? Opportunities for Young People aged 16-25.