Meet Michael Faraday and discover how electricity is generated and how to use it safely. Construct circuits using solar panels and look at different forms of alternative energy. Understand the function of the substation and how electricity is transported to houses. Test materials to discover whether they are conductors or insulators and investigate switches.

Example Timetable

This course usually runs from 10am – 2.30pm but times can be adjusted to suit your group and travel plans. During your visit you will be welcome to the centre and given an appropriate health and safety briefing. During the day we will undertake a number of activities, games and investigations (the exact activities will depend on the topic chosen). We will break for lunch at a suitable time. Please note that specific activities for your group are subject to change. We go out in all weathers and seasons and will tailor the content of the day accordingly. Some activities are only offered at certain times of the year.

How this course fulfills the specification


  • Identify common appliances that run on electricity
  • Construct simple series electrical circuit
  • Identify whether or not a lamp will light in a simple series circuit
  • Recognise that a switch opens and closes a circuit
  • Recognise common conductors and insulators

Working Scientifically

  • Making simple enquiries
  • Use a rnage of equipment and take accurate measurements
  • Use results to draw simple conclusions, suggest improvements

Added value of this course

  • Develop personal skills
  • Have fun
  • Be inspired by a passion for the subject
  • Build friendships

Why Choose Field Studies Council?

  • Expert tuition by fully trained staff

  • Stunning locations across the UK

  • Outstanding curriculum knowledge

  • Rigorous health and safety procedures

  • Support before and after your visit

  • Free places for visiting staff