Investigate how hydrology changes the physical landscape. Follow the route of enquiry to investigate how river characters change with distance downstream. Students will use the Bradshaw Model to make predictions about how the river channel will change.They will have the chance to take first hand measurements, make observations of distinctive river land forms found at the fieldwork sites along the river.

Example Timetable

The course normally runs 10am – 3pm.  There will be an allocated lunch slot, the timing will depend on the final course programme.

Pre Visit / Prior Learning

  • Complete the pre course story map, including information on River processes and location to be studied. A link will be sent.


  • Welcome and Introduction
  • Setting and sharing Objectives for the day
  • Introduction to the location to be studied, summarising the pre course work.
  • Discuss the route for enquiry

Morning / Afternoon 

  • Planning the fieldwork
    • In groups, plan the river investigation including making predictions, methodology and equipment
  • Fieldwork site 1:
    • Make observations of the site to be studied.
    • Carry out measurements including width, depth, and velocity and record the data.
    • Carry out qualitative fieldwork methods e.g. field sketch.
  • Fieldwork site 2; continue data collection
  • Fieldwork site 3; continue data collection (time and Centre booked dependent)
  • Analysis and evaluation
    • a verbal data review to interpret observations, draw conclusions, with reference to predictions.


How this course fulfills the specification

Key Stage 3 Geography 

  • Human and physical geography
    • understand, through the use of detailed place-based exemplars at a variety of scales, the key processes in: physical geography relating to: hydrology
    • understand how human and physical processes interact to influence, and change landscapes, environments and the climate
  • Geographical Skills and fieldwork
    • use fieldwork in contrasting locations to collect, analyse and draw conclusions.

Added value of this course

  • Develop personal skills
  • Have fun
  • Be inspired by a passion for the subject
  • Build friendships

Why Choose Field Studies Council?

  • Expert tuition by fully trained staff

  • Stunning locations across the UK

  • Outstanding curriculum knowledge

  • Rigorous health and safety procedures

  • Support before and after your visit

  • Free places for visiting staff