This course provides an opportunity for schools with low student numbers to tackle different fieldwork enquiries across a range of dynamic habitats.

Our environmental science courses offer:

  • First-hand experience of all the required sampling techniques (ST) to gain in-depth understanding of all required methodologies (Me).
  • The opportunity to use a variety of specialist fieldwork equipment useful to the study of Environmental Science including moth and mammal traps and infiltrometers.
  • Enquiries set within an environmental context enabling students to gain a broad and deep understanding of real-world Environmental Science.
  • Mathematical skills and the use of GIS to encourage students to interrogate and manipulate fieldwork data.

These courses are for groups of 9 or less students from any one school. Students must be accompanied by a responsible adult (usually a teacher from a school, but could be a parent/carer for an individual student).

The course price includes in-course transport, whilst at the centre, and is exempt from VAT.

Please bring your own packed lunch for the first day. All other meals are included up to a packed lunch on the last day.

Tutor: Field Studies Council Staff

Courses are led by experienced Field Studies Council staff.