This 2.5 day intermediate course will introduce you to the wonderful world of bryophytes (mosses, liverworts, and hornworts) that are present in every UK habitat. The ability to accurately identify them to species is essential for the field surveyor to be able to discriminate between similar vegetation communities within classifications such as UKHab and the National Vegetation Classification. Through this module bryophyte life cycles, structures, collection and identification methods will all be explored, alongside the utility of national recording schemes and voucher specimen collections.

Tutor: Nick Law

Nick Law is an experienced field botanist currently employed as a Principal Ecologist with FPCR Environment and Design Ltd. Nick’s interests include vascular plants and bryophytes. He holds a Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland (BSBI) Level 6 Field Identification Skills Certificate (FISC) and is the British Bryological Society Regional Recorder for Warwickshire.

Before You Attend

    • Non-resident Booking- please arrive for 1 pm on the Friday for the first session.
    • Resident (Sole Occupancy) Booking-  please arrive for 1 pm on the Friday for the first session with accommodation Friday and Saturday night.