Participants will develop skills in visual identification of common species and move through to songs and calls as well, increasing confidence levels in the group to accurately identify birds. Focusing on wetland birds, the group will visit a range of appropriate sites in the area to develop identification skills, learn how to count birds and develop a better understanding of the Wetland Bird Survey. The course will involve many outdoor sessions with plenty of opportunities to observe birds in their natural habitats and put what has been learnt into practice! Formal taught sessions help reinforce the learning and the groups are encouraged to learn from each other as well. Common species are encountered at all our venues, but each has a specific focus and may include local specialities. As a group we will also focus on the BTO’s Wetland Birds Survey (WeBS) and take part in a live count on the nearby Stour Estuary.
How to Book
This course can be booked direct with BTO:
To make a booking, or for more information on fees for the courses listed above, please contact Anne Cotton – email [email protected] or tel: 01786 458021.
For information on course content and venues please contact Nick Moran – email [email protected] or tel: 01842 750 050. Please note the fees advertised above are for non-professionals attending the course and are subsidised by BTO.
If you wish to attend any of these courses through your company, please contact Nick or Anne to discuss further. BTO The Nunnery Thetford Norfolk IP24 2PU Email: [email protected]
A British Trust for Ornithology course.
Tutor: Steve Piotrowski
Steve Piotrowski lives in Suffolk and has been watching birds since the late 1960's. Over the years he has become one of the most experienced birders in the region and has gone on to write several literary pieces including his acclaimed 'The Birds of Suffolk'. He currently works as an environmental consultant, is an FSC Associate Tutor and also runs courses for the British Trust for Ornithology. He specialises in bird migration, was one of the founders of Landguard Bird Observatory and is a Ringing Trainer. Steve says, 'I like nothing more than to spend a day with fellow enthusiasts sharing with them my experiences of what is a wonderful hobby and hopefully hearing about some of theirs'.
What's Included
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