During the weekend, we’ll explore together the sounds of nature and make music from them. We’ll sing music which reflects the many aspects of nature and the environment, using songs, rounds and chants from medieval times to the present day.
We’ll explore how to get the best from our voices and discover some of the things we can all do to develop them (e.g. relaxation exercises, improved breathing techniques, maintain best diction, etc.), while all having fun in the process.
For those who are interested, we can also explore some of the basics of music notation, playing games related to both rhythm and pitch.
No one will be asked to sing any kind of solo. Everything will be group-based. At the end of the weekend, we’ll ‘perform’ all we’ve learned so that we can achieve the tremendous ‘high’ that singing together as a group brings.
Tutor: Peter Davies
Peter Davies has worked with choirs and singers for over 40 years. Though qualified as a biology teacher and youth worker, but latterly a senior IT consultant, Peter has studied choral direction to an advanced level (LRSM Dist.).
He established Sawtry Chorale and directed the choir for 18 years. He also directed Huntingdon Male Voice Choir for 28 years. As a church organist, Peter studied with Alan Gibbs and, as College Organ Scholar, with Philip Moore. He was Organist and Choirmaster at All Saints, Sawtry (Cambs.) for 25 years. For the last eight years he has been Director of Music at St Guthlac’s Market Deeping (Lincs.). He has worked with several other amateur and professional ensembles and directed Cornwall International Male Choral Festival, the largest of its kind in the world, for nearly 10 years.
A member of the Association of British Choral Directors for over 35 years and, until recently, the British Voice Association, Peter has studied the biological aspects of singing, the physics of voice blending and the positive use of gesture when directing a choir to encourage singers to perform at their best. He has an extensive music library from which to select appropriate repertoire but is also a published composer and arranger for both male and mixed voice choirs.