Spend four days in spectacular FSC Flatford Mill, immersing yourself in nature, in a variety of stunning habitats. The course is run from FSC Flatford Mill at the heart of Constable Country in the Dedham Vale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and includes visits to local RSPB sites and fabulous surveying sites and habitats. This course is designed to introduce people who enjoy such programmes Springwatch and Planet Earth to immerse themselves in what Britain and its natural habitat has to offer and how to identify and survey them.
Tutor: Simon Ward
Simon Ward is an expert in the field of outdoor education, and currently works at Flatford as part of the education team. He is passionate about conservation and biodiversity as well as sharing knowledge about the world around him.Tutor: Stuart Fellows
Stuart Fellowes is an expert in the field of outdoor education, and currently works at Flatford as part of the education team. He is passionate about conservation and biodiversity as well as sharing knowledge about the world around him.
Example Timetable
Tuesday: Arrive and welcome. Moth trapping and small Mammal Trapping
Wednesday: Open Moth traps and mammal traps Biodiversity bonanza –Rocky shore survey and freshwater survey - Bat and Night walk
Thursday: Take a trip to Minsmere and Dunwich Heath where we will identify birds and other interesting things. Habitat management lecture.
Friday: Nature Ramble around Flatford including Insect/pollinator surveying, Wildflower ID, Tree ID
Depart centre at 4pm
Before You Attend
What to bring
A good selection of warm and waterproof clothing, wellies are essential at the shore but you can hire them from the centre. Some identification books and binoculars will be made available on the course but if you have your own please feel free to bring them along. All the personal items you will need for a residential stay, including a towel.
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