This 1-day beginner to intermediate course will introduce you to identifying heathland flora. Heathlands occur across the British Isles, from sea level to mountainous regions. They vary due to their hydrology and geology, from wet to dry heaths, mires and bogs, and being able to classify them properly relies on accurate identifications of the species they contain. Being able to quickly recognise key species e.g., some members of the Heather family, will enable you to assess the wetness of the site and designate it as dry/wet heath.

Tutor: Mark Duffell

Mark Duffell has had a lifetime interest in plants, gaining the RHS Diploma in Horticulture and completing an MSc in Biological Recording. He now runs Arvensis Ecology, splitting his time between conducting botanical surveys and teaching botanical identification and survey techniques to undergraduate and postgraduate students, consultancies and environmental organisations.