This workshop is an introduction to traditional basket making. You will be using English willow and historic basketry methods to create a wonderfully rustic basket.


Tutor: Juliet Shelton

I have always enjoyed dabbling in different crafts but, having tried basketmaking several years ago, quickly became hooked. It is a hobby which complements my fascination in tradition and social history, two interests which happily collided when I discovered historic re-enacting. I now demonstrate this lovely ancient, and ageless, craft at events across East Anglia, appearing as a basketmaker from Mediaeval times through to WWII. My rustic baskets are made from English willow and provide a tangible connection with the natural world and the rural traditions of our ancestors. My workshops developed in response to a demand from like-minded people who were interested in traditional ways and who just wanted to have a go, stepping back from the busy pace of modern life and using natural materials to create something truly unique.

What's Included

Before You Attend

What to Bring

All materials and tools will be provided but you may wish to bring some sharp bypass secateurs for your personal use.

This is a practical course involving movement around the workshop and working willow with your hands. It is a good idea to wear old clothes and practical shoes. You will be handling damp willow and, whilst every attempt will be made to keep the venue safe, the floor may become wet and slippery.

Refreshments are included, but please bring lunch with you.