• Wildlife watchers pack
  • Nature notelets
  • Butterflies
  • dragonflies guide
  • Flowers of walks and waysides

Watchers wildlife pack

Wildlife gifts for adults

Looking for a present for a grown-up wildlife enthusiast? The wildlife watchers pack is a great gift box full of goodies and guides.

  • WildID Butterflies guide – from brimstone to wood white, this popular guide shows all 60 wild butterflies found in Britain and Ireland. Consistently our most popular chart, it features beautiful colour life-size paintings by acclaimed artist Richard Lewington.
  • WildID Plants of walks and wayside guide – from Black Medick to Bugle, from Willowherb to Woundwort, this guide features wild flowers to find all year. Grassy tracks, quiet lanes, hedgerows, playing fields and canal towpaths are a great place to look.
  • WildID Dragonflies and damselflies guide – features adults of 26 dragonfly species and 20 damselfly species. Enabling speedy dragonfly identification in the field, this guide features beautiful life-size colour paintings by Richard Lewington.
  • “Know your local birds” A3 colour poster – to help you look out for birds on feeders, hedgerows, fields and in parks and gardens.
  • Freshwater nature notebook. A5 in size and with 96 pages of white recycled paper. With plenty of room to jot down your lists, notes and observations, it’s both recycled and recyclable.
  • FSC water bottle – our compact reusable water bottle.
  • Nature notelets – a  set of 8 greetings cards beautifully illustrated by  Shropshire artist Emma Lawrence.  These Nature notelets feature the wildlife of freshwater, woodland, meadow and coast. Printed on recycled paper and in the UK. Cards are left blank for your own messages.
  • Nature mug – relax in nature and enjoy a cuppa in your garden or local green space with one of our new enamel mugs featuring the wildlife of different British habitats.

You don’t have to go far to watch wildlife. Gardens, parks, ponds, rivers, canals, urban wasteland, fields, woodland and the coast are all great places to go exploring.