By Mary Jones 29th January 2020

Learning Away is a programme managed by a consortium of organisations, led by the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom (CLOtC) to ensure more young people have access to high-quality brilliant residential learning experiences. Learning Away collected evidence to highlight the benefit of taking students on winter residentials. Here are six benefits they found:

child crawling through a tube

Benefit 1: Boost resilience and wellbeing

Residentials improve students’ resilience, self-confidence and wellbeing. Students are more willing to try something new and ask for help, push themselves and participate in class. Imagine teaching a class with more self-belief for the rest of the school year after going on a winter residential.

children infront of their den in the snow

Benefit 2: Increase engagement with learning

Residentials improve students’ engagement with learning, including positive changes in behaviour and attendance. Going on a winter residential will give them a passion for learning which can live on throughout the year.

72% of primary pupils said that their behaviour at school is better after a residential.

The report by Learning Away

Benefit 3: Embed learning back in school

Going on winter residentials allows time for learning and development to be embedded back in school. We know residentials have a long-term impact on students’ progress and attainment when followed up on their return to school.

77% of pupils said the way they were taught on the residential will help them do better in the subject in question.

The report by Learning Away
FSC tutor adjusting childs ropes

Benefit 4: Foster deeper relationships

Residentials foster deeper relationships which are sustained back in school. The sooner a teacher gets to know their pupils, the sooner they can ‘set them up for success’. Winter residentials allow relationships between staff and students to become more trusting and respectful back in the classroom. Students get to know teachers as individuals; staff gain a better understanding of their students and how to respond to them.

79% of primary pupils said they know their teacher better as a result of their residential.

The report by Learning Away

Benefit 5: Discover new learning opportunities

The longer nights and shorter days offer new learning opportunities on an outdoor residential. With FSC try out ‘Star Gazing’, ‘Night Walk’, ‘Music Stories and Camp-fires’ ‘Orienteering Puzzles’ and ‘Green Artist’. The beginning of the school year is also a great time of year to kick start key subjects with inspiring hands on learning indoors.

Benefit 6: Greater return on investment

Winter residentials can also be more affordable giving schools the benefit of a greater return on investment.

  • Young boy taking part in Orienteering
  • Children looking at what they have found in the freshwater lake
  • Girl blindfolded playing teamgames