By Mary Jones 30th March 2021

FSC Millport is delighted to announce that the 4th Millport Marine Symposium will this year be held on a virtual platform, which gives us the opportunity to grow our audience and have an exciting range of speakers!

The 3rd marine symposium, held in 2019, was a fantastic success that celebrated the work of those working to understand more about our incredible seas and those fighting to protect it. Following on from a difficult year, we hope that the 2021 symposium will bring together a fantastic array of speakers, encourage inspiring information exchange between professionals, students, artists and members of the public.

This year, 2021 marks the start of the United Nations decade of ecosystem restoration. Information exchange has a crucial role in conservation and so we hope that the symposium will educate, inspire and empower all of those who attend!

Sea bird looking up

Initial invite and call for speakers

The Millport Marine Symposium was conceived with the aim of bringing marine science to as many people as possible. The breadth and quality of presentations on offer each year reflects the diversity and wonder of our coastlines and oceans. 

The 3rd Millport Marine Symposium celebrated the natural marine environment, and those working to better our understanding of it, and protect it, bringing together students, conservation professionals, academics, artists, poets and the public. This year, the symposium will be held on an online platform, giving us the opportunity to reach a larger audience, from all around, than ever before.

Following on from a difficult year, many people have rediscovered the natural world and more and more people are calling for better ecosystem protection. This is a crucial time for the natural world and 2021 marks the beginning of the United Nations decade of ecosystem restoration. The symposium is a fantastic opportunity to reflect, learn and inspire, and to remind ourselves of the importance of bringing together various disciplines and specialties to truly understand our magnificent blue planet.

In this initial invite we are calling for abstracts from all corners of marine science. If you fit the categories below and would like the opportunity to present at the symposium this year, please be in touch!

Are you a…

  • Current undergraduate or postgraduate working on a marine-focused thesis or dissertation?
  • Academic or researcher with the results of a recent study to talk about?
  • Conservationist or marine professional that would like to showcase their organization or project?
  • Artist or poet whose inspiration is drawn from the marine environment?

then we would love to hear from you!

If you would like to present at the symposium, either a talk (10, 20 or 30 minutes) or a poster (with an optional 3 minute ‘flash talk’), please submit a title and a short proposal (<200 words) via email. Submissions must be received by Sunday 1st August.

Seal on a rock