Bring your new cohort together on a residential experience covering core curriculum areas. Choose one of our well equipped UK centres where a range of outdoor learning will be led by our expert tutors.
This course is ideal to support Year 7 transition.
Field Studies Council is an environmental charity so our learning takes place outside as much as possible and we have developed content carefully linked to the core curriculum areas of English, Maths, Science and Geography to maximise the benefits to teachers and students.
Spending dedicated time outdoors with classmates supports pupil mental health and wellbeing, with time in nature proven as being highly beneficial in this.
Why choose us for Year 7 transition?
- Cover core curriculum content
- Enable teachers and students to bond at the start of the academic year
- Spend plenty of time outdoors to boost student mental health and wellbeing
- Save teachers time by using our expert tutors
- Pupils benefit from a residential experience with skills such as resilience and independence
- Utilise additional government funding (see below)
Our suggested timetable is shown below, but we can provide different numbers of days or deliver content suitable for your school, just let us know how we can help.
This residential would be ideal for any schools making use of government funding for summer school provision, catch up premium, recovery premium or pupil premium.
We also offer this as non-residential outreach days, available over summer holidays or term time
Example Timetable
Fully taught by FSC:
Day 1
Afternoon: Arrive and welcome
Evening: Team building and problem solving activities
Day 2: Maths focus
All day: Natures numbers
Students will practice maths skills such as averages, graphs, measurements, scale, surface area and much more through the wonder of trees and the natural world. Students will create a poster to set out their findings and analyse some simple data
Evening: Set mammal traps and look for nocturnal animals (night walk).
Day 3: English focus
All day: Literacy through landscapes
Students will learn about poetry and use of language in imagery. An adventurous walk to gain inspiration from the local landscape to engage imagination and create a poem. Students will create natural art to go along with their poetry and present their poem to the group.
Evening: Shelter building
Day 4: Science focus
All day: Biodiversity safari
Students will investigate an environment to compare different habitats, this could be a woodland, rocky shore or freshwater environment. Promoting identification and classification skills as well as making comparisons of factors affecting populations.
Evening: Campfire
Day 5
Morning: Focuses school led catch up session
Teachers can take the opportunity to lead a school-based session to build on and augment the sessions we have covered. Can be supported by centre staff.
Afternoon: Depart centre.
We can also offer an option which combines FSC teaching with sessions for your own teaching. Speak to us to find out more.
How this course fulfills the specification
All our course content is planned and delivered in line with relevant KS3 National Curriculum requirements.
Added value of this course
Develop skills
- Communication | Resilience | Independent thinking | Leadership
- Numeracy | Literacy | Investigative skills | Observation
Enhance Knowledge
- Ask questions.
- Apply knowledge in the real world and make links.
- Make sense of new places and understand our place and role within this.
- Have fun | Make friendships | Connect with nature