This course is suitable for all levels, beginners to advanced, as much of the tuition is on an individual basis.

Course participants can choose to concentrate on a script of their choice from the following: Italic, Italic capitals, Foundational hand, Roman capitals, sharpened italic, uncial, Cnut charter hand, San Vito capitals, copperplate, experimental letterforms, Carolingian, Versals, flourishes, modern pointed pen cursive.

Learning or tuning up the alphabet, letter spacing and using the script at different sizes in short quotations in ink and colour.  Alternatively, or in combination with scripts from above list, participants can be guided through a series of experiments using colour in the pen and background followed by exploring the creative interpretation of short texts.

Tutor: Gaynor Goffe

Gaynor Goffe, BA Hons, London University, Surrey Diploma in Art and Design, is a freelance calligrapher.  She spent three years as an assistant to calligrapher Donald Jackson, followed by 16 years teaching on the calligraphy courses at the Roehampton Institute and 3 years teaching at Reigate School of Art and Design.  She is a Fellow of the Society of Scribes and Illuminators and also a Fellow of the Calligraphy and Lettering Arts Society.  Her two books, Calligraphy Made Easy and Calligraphy Step-by-Step (with Anna Ravenscroft) were published in 1994.

What's Included

Before You Attend

What to Bring

  • A range of Rexel/Mitchell square cut ‘roundhand’ nibs (left oblique for left-handers)
  • Penholders and slip-on reservoirs
  • Non-waterproof black calligraphy ink, eg Pelikan 4001 or Sumi liquid ink in tall flat-sided plastic bottle/box (available from
  • A3 Winsor & Newton A3 smooth cartridge pad 60,70 or 100lbs weight
  • Several tubes of Winsor & Newton designer’s gouache (series 1 or 2, which are the cheapest, but not ones labelled ‘primary’ as they don’t flow so well in the pen)
  • Mixing palette and brush
  • Scissors, cutting knife
  • Tape, tissues, HB pencil, ruler, rubber
  • Pritt stick (or similar)

If you wish to do copperplate please bring two Brause EF 66 nibs and a bottle of Brian Walker’s copperplate ink (obtainable from

For course participants wishing to experiment with colour in the background, additionally bring:

  • Deep-welled mixing palette
  • Large, flat wash brush, approximately 11/2” wide – hake brushes are inexpensive
  • 2 or more pots of Plaka casein emulsion (from good art shops) and/or FW acrylic inks, and/or Winsor & Newton ‘Galeria’
  • Chalk pastels, several colours
  • At least one sheet of hot pressed paper, eg Fabriano HP and/or Winsor & Newton SMOOTH cartridge pad 100lbs A3 size

Recommended Books

You may find the following of interest as background reading:

  • The Calligrapher’s Companion by Mary Noble and Janet Mehigan (Collins)
  • Colour Calligraphy by Mary Noble and Adrian Waddington (Search Press)
  • The Painted Word by Dave Wood
  • A Handwriting Manual by Alfred Fairbank (Faber)
  • Modern Scribes and Lettering Artists (Trefoil)
  • Calligraphy Today ed. Heather Child (Studio Vista)
  • The Calligraphers’ Project Book by Suzanne Haines (Collins)
  • Calligraphy Masterclass by Diana Hoare (Collins)
  • Calligraphy Made Easy by Gaynor Goffe (Paragon/Robinson)
  • Calligraphy Step-by-Step by Gaynor Goffe and Anna Ravenscroft (Harper Collins)

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