Join us and achieve the John Muir Award. There are four challenges at the heart of each John Muir Award and through this 4 day course you will complete the following… Discover a wild place, Explore it, Do something to Conserve it, Share your experience. Activities will include using a compass to navigate, bushcraft skills including shelter building and fire lighting, a conservation task, mammal trapping and discovering the plants and animals that live here.
For young people age 10+
Bring packed lunch and drinks.
Bring appropriate clothing and footwear for being outside.
Activities are subject to change, depending on the weather.
This is a four day course. This course is hosted at our day centres which don’t have accommodation facilities.
Tutor: Field Studies Council Staff
Courses are led by experienced Field Studies Council staff.
Before You Attend
For young people age 10+
Bring packed lunch and drinks.
Bring appropriate clothing and footwear for being outside.
Activities are subject to change, depending on the weather.
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