The Entoprocts Synopsis covers the phylum Entoprocta. Geographic coverage extends to British and adjacent waters. In detail this includes all species known off Britain and Ireland, northern and western France, Denmark, Sweden and Norway (to Bergen). It includes three families: Loxosomatidae (36 species), Pedicellinidae (3 species) and Barentsiidae (6 species).
Entoprocts are minute, sedentary or sessile, semi-transparent, aquatic animals. Overall the group is phylogenetically enigmatic, with no obvious close relatives. They are either solitary or colonial, forming a widespread and abundant group of suspension feeders. Indeed colonial entoprocts are common members of the fouling communities of human-made substrata in shallow seas and brackish waters. Entoprocts may also encrust the surface of stones, shells, algae and seagrasses.
Unfortunately collecting entoprocts is a challenge. Only the more massive growths of the freshwater species Urnatella gracilis immediately catch the eye. But there are useful tips for finding the solitary species. Almost without exception they occur with larger host animals, such as polychaetes and sipunculans. Since entoprocts are soft-bodied, some specimen preparion is necessary.
Synopses of the British Fauna is a series of identification guides. Each volume in the series is a detailed account of a group of animals. They bridge the gap between standard field guides and more specialised monograph or treatise. Since 1993 the the Field Studies Council has published these guides on behalf of the Linnean Society.
These volumes are suitable for the lab or field. The editors aim to keep them as user friendly as possible, with technical terminology at a minimum and a glossary of terms. However the complexity of the subject matter makes the books more suitable for the more experienced practitioner.