Our free wildlife ID guide campaign 2021:
- Provides the opportunity for people registering to receive free up to two free wildlife ID guides in the post. These are fold out charts from the range illustrated here: https://www.field-studies-council.org/product-category/publications/?fwp_publication_type=fold-out-guide
- Bases allocation of wildlife ID guides on the availability of stocks. There are wildlife ID guides available to post to up to 5,000 people.
- Bases allocation of wildlife ID guides on the extent to which recipients match FSC’s target beneficiary audiences based on aims of charitable funding obtained to deliver this campaign.
The prioritised audiences are people in one or more of the following groups:
- Aged 16-25 or intermediaries to people aged 16-25, such as youth club leaders
- Living in England, especially living in coastal, northern, midlands, and urban areas, or areas of high indices of multiple deprivation
- Black and brown ethnicity
- Lower level of current biodiversity knowledge
- Higher interest in volunteering or working in the green economy
- Will notify people within a few days of registration closing if they will receive their wildlife ID in the post. Guides will be posted within 30 days of this notification. People not allocated a posted guide will be sent a wildlife ID guide in a PDF format or equivalent.
- Will send people emails with ideas for finding wildlife and volunteer and career ideas to protect the natural environment.
- Collects information to help us and our funders know who we’re reaching.
Wildlife ID guides are:
- Subject to change where items may differ from that advertised across promotional material and online.
- Not to be sold, used as competition prizes, or otherwise given in exchange for goods or services.
- Not to be promoted or advertised on ‘freebie’ websites.
Recipients of wildlife ID guide are required to:
- Be 16 years of age or over.
- Ensure that the information and delivery address supplied in FSC’s registration form is accurate. FSC is not responsible for any inaccurate or unsuccessful deliveries.
- Take responsibility for the health and safety of themselves and other people they involve when carrying out activities suggested as part of this campaign.
- Complete the necessary photo consent forms as advised in FSC’s photography policy when taking photographs of people participating in activities, if sharing these photos with FSC.
- Have permission from landowners or others required when carrying out activities suggested as part of this campaign, eg accessing spaces for wildlife identification.
- If the applicant is under 18 years of age, a responsible adult (someone over the age of 18) must help them undertake the above tasks.
- Reserves the right to withdraw or amend this campaign at any time. Notification will be made on the FSC website.
- Does not guarantee that all entries to the campaign will receive free wildlife ID guide.
- May contact campaign participants to take part in promotional activities and evaluation surveys.