We’re working with the Geographical Association to celebrate National Fieldwork Week, 6th-10th June, and encourage teachers and students to learn outdoors.
As the Field Studies Council have been providing opportunities for fieldwork and outdoor learning for nearly 80 years we are incredibly passionate about it.
Getting students out of the classroom to experience outdoor environments first hand is so valuable and this dedicated week is a fantastic opportunity for us to shout about the many benefits and inspire groups to join in.
The theme of this year’s National Fieldwork Week is Change. To mark the event this year we have launched a set of free teacher resource packs, on the topics ‘Investigating Change in the High Street’ and ‘Investigating Change in the School Grounds or Local Park’, for KS2 and KS3 to KS5.
We’d also like to encourage schools to take part in and share fieldwork experiences during that week. The hashtag #NationalFieldworkWeek will be used across social platforms so please share what you are getting up to!
Follow our updates on our social channels and share your fieldwork fun!

What makes fieldwork so great?
- Inspires and motivates students
- Develops life skills such as resilience, teamwork and problem solving
- Builds relationships between teachers and students and peer groups
- Covers essential course content
- Offers a different way of learning which helps many pupils improve in their subject
- Creates memorable experiences
- Helps with understanding for exams
- Teaches new practical skills