As part of our commitment to teacher CPD, high quality fieldwork and sustainable education the Field Studies Council has been working in partnership with the Rob Gamesby (Cool Geography) with the Royal Meteorological Society, to develop resources for teachers and students to us in schools and the local environment.

We know how important geographical fieldwork opportunities are and want to ensure all students are able to collect high quality data in and around their local space, these resources are designed to fit into the National Festival of Fieldwork, in which the Geographical Association and Field Studies Council are promoting fieldwork opportunities.
All schools in England have to produce a Climate Action Plan, and part of that action plan involves assessing the schools’ vulnerability to extreme weather, such as heatwaves, and taking actions to reduce the risk of extreme heat.
These fieldwork options are designed to get students in our schools to explore how vulnerable their school is and what can be done to adapt to that risk.