A day to enhance and share knowledge of invertebrates with exhibitions, sales, network and consultation time amongst speakers on entomological themes.

There is no fee for exhibition space, please unload then park your vehicle at the Field Studies Council Head Office Car Park. Participants to use the main car park at the Field Studies Centre.

Please bring your own lunch – tea/coffee/morning biscuits and afternoon cake included in the price.

09:30 Onwards:  Registration for participants which will close at 10:25.

  • Please bring any specimens you would like to ask about.  We will have local and national experts on many taxa including  Coleoptera, Dermaptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera Orthoptera, Psocoptera……and others.  There will be a wealth of experience amongst the attendees and presenters including artists and field notebook specialists.
  • Bring and Buy Sale in the Caradoc and Queen Anne Rooms
  • Please bring along any entomological books/equipment etc for a bring and buy book sale and place these on the second hand book stand with an honesty pot – and be prepared to take your unsold items away again.
  • There will be a rolling slide show of images from David Williams, a local entomologist and photographer in the Caradoc room.
  • There will be a link playing in presentation/dining room from a YOUTUBE VIDEO from Andrew Cutts

Example Timetable

09:00 Early arrival for exhibitors.  Please register and place exhibitions in the Caradoc Laboratory.  Lectures will take place in the dining room adjacent.

Draft Programme of speakers in the dining room

(Please note that the times and speakers may vary if there are any last minute problems)

10:15 Keynote Address

Drs. Joe Botting and Lucy Muir Honorary Research Fellows at the National Museum Wales, and guest scientists at the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, China, their work focuses on Ordovician biodiversity, and especially the early evolution of overlooked groups. Joe is also an entomologist, specialising in Hemiptera, springtails and mites, and is half of the team behind the website British Bugs.

Today they are speaking on: The Castle Bank fossil deposit of central Wales: an extraordinary menagerie of soft-bodied animals. The recent discovery of a remarkable new fossil site from the Ordovician (462 million years old) rocks near Llandrindod has opened a new perspective on the evolution of life. The fauna preserves a wide range of species and even major groups of invertebrates seen nowhere else in the fossil record.


Coffee and biscuits

First chance to look at the exhibits


Freshwater Sponges and their dependent insect fauna; a call to improve our knowledge of this under-recorded group. Jonathan Briggs, an ecologist with a keen interest in sponges and aquatic ecosystems encourages us to take a closer look.

12:30 -14:00


Networking, exhibitions, book sales and consultations.

The common rooms in Darwin and the Queen Ann house will be open for you to eat your own lunches with coffee points nearby.

Informal networking session, consultations and collections. From 13:30 to 14:00 there will be microscopes set up in Wenlock lab where local entomologists will be available to consult on identification. The Preston Montford small collection will be made available today.


The Tanyptera Trust: Promoting the study and conservation of invertebrates Gary Hedges (Project Coordinator, Liverpool World Museum)

14: 30

Fairway to Heaven Tammy Stretton ( Montgomery Wildlife Trust) and Clare Boyes (VC 47 Bee recorder and local naturalist)


Afternoon tea and cake

A final chance for the exhibitions


Taking some tigers on the train Pete Boardman ( Entomologist with the Natural England Field Unit)


Summing up of the presentations


14th EntoDay closes


Chair  Sue Dancey  Organisers  Clare Boyes, Tom Hayek, Nigel Jones, Maria Justamond, David Williams, Keith Fowler and Sarah Whild  Supporters: Preston Montford Field Centre (Arran Holdsworth, Liz Wilcox) and Publications and all speakers, contributors and exhibitors.
Thank you all

What's Included

  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Hot and Cold Drinks

Exhibitors and their websites/contact details

Publications -

Richard Dawson -

Go Out Get Arty

Kevin McGee - Entomological artwork & prints

Harper Adams University -

Natur am Byth


Before You Attend

Getting There

Preston Montford, Montford Bridge, Shrewsbury SY4 1DX
Direct enquiries: 01743 852040 (Mon-Fri, 9am–5pm)

  • By Road: From the A5, take the roundabout exit signposted to Mid-Wales and Welshpool (A458). One mile along this road, turn right onto B4473, we are located on the left after approx ½ mile.
  • By Bus or Train: Shrewsbury stations.

Refreshments will be provided, but please bring your own lunch.

Opportunities to attend this course

This course is not currently available to book. Dates will follow soon.

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