Elevate your understanding of Biodiversity Net Gain through our range of courses, designed for beginners and advanced learners.

Explore the topics that are vital to comprehending Biodiversity Net Gain and applying the Biodiversity Metric, with courses suitable for ecologists, and those involved with land development.

The Biodiversity Metric is a tool used to assess an area’s ecological value. It is commonly used by ecologists who carry out habitat surveys to calculate Biodiversity Net Gain. However, it is also important for developers, landowners and planning authorities to understand and interpret the results – find out more.

Understanding the Biodiversity Metric 4.0 and Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG)

Developed by DEFRA and Natural England, the Biodiversity Metric 4.0 is an innovative tool that is used to determine biodiversity gains or losses in relation to a development project. It facilitates Biodiversity Net Gain, a fundamental practice that requires land to be in a measurably better state after development, providing a net gain in biodiversity. A minimum of 10% BNG is due to be mandated in England from 12th February 2024.

View the latest information and updates from DEFRA and Natural England

Habitat surveys for BNG assessment

To assess the value of an ecosystem before and after development, meticulous habitat surveys need to be undertaken. Our courses delve into the intricacies of the UK Habitat Classification (UKHab) survey, a recognised industry standard essential for mapping habitats and their ecological significance, forming an integral part of Biodiversity Net Gain assessments. Field Studies Council and UKHab Ltd. have partnered to deliver up-to-date training related to UKHab surveying.

We also provide extensive species identification training and other surveying methods such as the National Vegetation Survey (NVC). Click here to browse all our courses.

Biodiversity Net Gain for Reviewers

Grasp a better understanding of Biodiversity Net Gain by practising the skills required to understand its principles and learning how to interpret the Metric when reviewing reports. Developers, land managers, and planning authorities can benefit from obtaining valuable hands-on experience inputting data into Metric 4.0, interpreting outcomes, understanding limitations, and discussing real-life case studies. All of this is covered in our online course.

Book our Biodiversity Net Gain for Reviewers course.

Bespoke and on-demand Biodiversity Metric training

Whether you’re directly involved with the Biodiversity Metric or simply seeking to gain further knowledge and understanding, our expert-led courses can be tailored to suit your needs. With over 80 years of experience delivering professional courses, our tutors provide up-to-date accurate content.

You have the option to attend courses as and when we schedule them, or you can get in touch to run them on-demand exclusively for your employees, volunteers, or students. You can also reach out to discuss bespoke course content surrounding biodiversity and the metric, as we have locations across the UK and tutors with a wealth of knowledge that can work with you to plan the training programme required.