Example Timetable  

The following is an example of how a 3-day course might look. Our courses are as flexible as possible to meet your requirements, with other topics and skills able to be substituted into this timetable. There will be some variation between what is offered at specific centres due to habitat availability. 

Day 1  

Arrive Midday  

  • Participants greeted by Field Studies Council staff. 
  • Welcome talk and centre tour. Allocation of wellies and waterproofs.
  • Pre-course meeting with our staff and teachers. 

First session – The benefits and barriers to outdoor learning.  The group will consider what makes great outdoor learning, how it benefits all of us and how to get the best out of a session.  Barriers will be broken down including practical risk assessment sessions to identify hazards and practice behaviour management in context.

Second session – Team building games and problem solving.  We will start to explore the basics of outdoor learning activities, how to lead games and activities to improve team building and problem-solving skills whilst building confidence and resilience.

Evening – Night walk. On a night walk around the grounds, we will continue to look at the benefits of experiential learning while bat detecting, moth trapping, and star gazing (weather dependent).

Day 2

Morning – Science activity *environment dependent on location. 
Participants will visit a local site of ecological interest to carry out a science-based activity e.g. pond dipping or minibeast hunting and consider how outdoor learning can inspire and support teaching in the wider curriculum. 

Afternoon – Geography activity *environment dependent on location. 
The group will have the opportunity to carry out a second fieldwork activity based around the geography curriculum e.g. river measurements or exploring a place and consider how outdoor learning can promote student led-learning and critical thinking.

Evening – Camp fire reflection. Showcasing reflection activities and techniques, idea sharing and fun games to try.

Day 3

Morning – Practical bushcraft skills and eco-action. 
A carousel of activities to try including fire lighting, making damper bread, elder bead necklaces, and eco activities such as pinecone feeders and bug hotels.  Everyone will go away with plenty of practical skills and ideas to try at school.

Depart at Midday  

  • Review of the course. 
  • Signposting further actions and opportunities with the Field Studies Council and beyond.
  • Final farewell from staff. 

If you’d like to find out more about ITE / PGCE / CPD courses, or make an enquiry for booking please complete the form below or speak to us on 01743 852100.