Looking for help planning and carrying out fieldwork for your GCSE? See below or explore our Geography Fieldwork Opportunities.

Wellington boots

Route to Enquiry

Every GCSE Geographer must do fieldwork in at least two different environments. From geographical questions to evaluation, read on for advice if you’re not sure where to start
Using ranging poles and clinometer


Where the land meets the sea, the UK’s coastline is over 7500 miles in length, and it’s a place that’s always changing through erosion, transportation and deposition
Rivers fieldwork


Rivers are constantly changing, water levels rise and fall after rain and with the seasons. Erosion, transportation and deposition can all alter the characteristics of the channel
Rural fieldwork


Countryside areas have experienced dramatic changes in the last 30 years, including counter-urbanisation, changing farm practices and the decline of rural services
Urban fieldwork


Towns and cities have experienced dramatic changes in the last 30 years, including challenges from out of town shops, inner-city change and the rise of internet shopping

Secondary and Further Education Courses

Set your students up for success with our secondary school trips and courses. Offering excellent first hand experiences for your students, all linked to the curriculum.
People forraging in Tollymore

Group Leader and Teacher Training

Centre-based and digital courses for teachers

Experiences for Young People

Do you enjoy the natural world and being outdoors? Opportunities for Young People aged 16-25.
Lady with laptop in mountainous area

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