It’s so important that the next generation understand how climate change and global warming are affecting and changing our planet.
Spend the day learning about and understanding the factors involved in climate change and how they are affecting our environment. From burning fossil fuels, the greenhouse effect and deforestation, you’ll look into ways in how we can reduce their effects and impact.
Climate change has already transformed the natural world. Explore your environment to discover the wildlife that lives there and if climate change is already affecting that habitat.
This course will broaden children’s horizons in understanding climate change and its effects. It will give them a new found respect for their environment through teamwork and working in the field.
Plant the seed for change and watch the next generation grow.
Example Timetable
This course usually runs from 10am – 2.30pm, but times can be adjusted to suit your group and travel plans. During your visit you will be welcomed to the centre and given an appropriate health and safety briefing.
During the day students will undertake a number of activities, games and investigations (the exact activities will depend on the topic chosen). Some activities are only offered at certain times of the year and are subject to change. This course takes place in all weathers and seasons and the content of the day will be tailored accordingly.
10am - Welcome/introduction
- Discussion:
What is climate change/global warming and what can we do about it?
Agree objectives for the day. What would you like to find out?
10:15am - Morning Session
- Mini-beast safari or meadow sweep (activity will depend on location):
For older ages we may use sampling techniques such as quadrats and transects to explore how many of a certain type of creature the group find. - Creative activity:
Design and make a piece of land art that represents climate change.
Discuss what we can do for nature.
12:15pm - Lunch
12:45pm - Afternoon Session
- Global Warming:
Using a map of the world and grid references, we make notes on the impact of climate change on animals.
Deliver a ‘weather report’ explaining the effects of global warming on certain countries. - Sustainability:
To discuss areas of sustainability/global warming e.g. transport, waste, food. Students will take part in an activity game to sort ideas to how individuals can combat global warming and how easy it is to do.
Talk about raising awareness and not making anyone feel guilty. Consider the impact of choices like this, and if one persons actions matter.
2.30pm - Depart
Added value of this course
- Develop personal skills
- Have fun
- Be inspired by a passion for the subject
- Build friendships