Woods in the autumn are full of the weird and wonderful so join us on trail of discovery, for an adventure in the woods.
As you explore and scramble through leaf-littered woodlands you’ll come across challenges, discover more about the world around you and learn some new skills.
Our adventure leaders love to share their knowledge and passion for nature. Whether it’s finding a perfect spot for wildlife watching, helping you identify animal tracks that have been left in the mud or satisfying your curiosity about bugs or birds, they can help you connect with nature first hand.
To help keep your energy levels up we’ll stop for a wholesome packed lunch and we will finish off your autumn adventure by sharing your stories around a fire with a warming hot chocolate!
You are never too old to:
- enjoy rustling through a huge pile of autumn leaves
- learn something new about woodland wildlife
- sip a sweet hot chocolate around a fire
Most suitable for families with children between 7 – 12, but open to all.
Tutor: Centre Staff
This course will be led by our experienced and enthusiastic tutors.Need accommodation? Stay with us at FSC Blencathra and book here.
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