Wildlife Observations for Beginners is a half-day workshop introducing the science of species recording. Learners are taught why recording wildlife in their gardens and local greenspaces is important for improving our understanding the state of our wildlife. Learners will be taken through some of the do’s and don’ts of biological recording and be provided with guidance regarding what data should be prioritised so they can convert their wildlife observations into high-quality species occurrence data. Learners will undertake a mini “Garden BirdWatch” in the field and be shown how this data can be submitted to both local and national datasets to maximise the impact of their biological records.

Tutor: Keiron Derek Brown

Keiron Derek Brown is passionate about biological recording and studying invertebrates, and delivers a wide range of events and training opportunities through the Biological Recording Company. He is the national recorder for earthworms (running the National Earthworm Recording Scheme on behalf of the Earthworm Society of Britain) and the Chair of the Ecology & Entomology section of the London Natural History Society. He also sits on the advisory council of the National Forum for Biological Recording.

Between 2016 and 2023 he designed and managed the £1.6 million FSC BioLinks project for the Field Studies Council, with the aim of inspiring amateur naturalists to take up the identification and recording of invertebrate groups that are often forgotten and rarely recorded.

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