• earthworms aidgap
  • earthworms aidgap
  • earthworms aidgap

Earthworms AIDGAP

Earthworms AIDGAP covers all 27 species of earthworms found living freely in the UK and Ireland.

Since publication of the First Edition in 2012, there has been an explosion of interest in earthworms, with many more people actively recording earthworms and submitting records to the National Scheme.

The Second Edition is twice as long as the First Edition and includes several new features:

  • Extra key to earthworms found in artificial environments (such as heated greenhouses)
  • New guidance on earthworm dissection and internal anatomy
  • Expanded introductory section on earthworm ecology and biology
  • Many new photographs within the Species Accounts taken especially for this guide, including lots of photos of live specimens
  • New line drawings of the tubercula pubertatis for all species where this character is present
  • Updates to distribution and status information for each species in the light of new data

As well as a traditional dichotomous key, the guide includes a summary table showing the following important characters for each species: head type, male pore position, tubercula pubertatis features, clitellum position and setae spacing.

Unfortunately earthworms cannot reliably be identified from living specimens in the field. Instead, some specimen preparation is needed, followed by examination under a low powered microscope. Detailed guidance is given on sampling for earthworms, preparing specimens and the key characters to observe. However this is probably more suitable for those with at least some previous identification experience, rather than absolute beginners.

The Earthworms AIDGAP guide was produced in partnership with the Earthworm Society of Britain. This Second Edition is the current authoritative key which may be cited when submitting biological records, including to iRecord.