• Plant galls
  • Plant galls
  • Plant galls
  • Plant galls
  • Plant galls
  • Plant galls

Plant galls AIDGAP

Third edition

Plant galls AIDGAP is an identification guide to plant galls in Britain.

  • For identifying living specimens in the field (where possible)
  • Features around 300 keys, alphabetical by host plant genus
  • Illustrated with line drawings throughout

Many naturalists recognise the commoner plant galls, like Oak Apples and Robin’s Pin Cushions. But there are many more. Some are tiny and require diligent searching. They occur on all parts of the plant: roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds. They appear as swellings and nodules, patches of hairs, dimples, blisters, discs and balls.

Fortunately galls are often host-specific, and many host plants have only a few known galls. So identifying the host plant can help narrow down the options considerably.

A special feature of this guide is that all galls, whether caused by fungi and other microorganisms or by nematodes, mites or insects, are incorporated into a single series of keys.

These keys build on three earlier works. In 1986 the British Plant Gall Society produced the first provisional keys. In turn these led to the 2002 the First Edition of this AIDGAP guide. The Second Edition came in 2011. This Third Edition expands on the 2011 keys, bringing nomenclature fully up to date, and with new illustrations of additional galls. In addition many figures have been replaced with new drawings based on British specimens.

Plant galls AIDGAP guide is part of the FSC’s AIDGAP series (Aids to Identification in Difficult Groups of Animals and Plants). AIDGAP guides are accessible keys suitable for non-specialists from age 16+.

Field Studies Council publishes Plant galls AIDGAP (3rd edition) in partnership with British Plant Gall Society.