During this Modern Botanicals in Watercolour course you will learn the art of modern botanical painting by using and better understanding watercolours.
This unique workshop explores the style of traditional botanical art with the expressive freedom of loose watercolour techniques, offering a delightful fusion of form and energy.
Discover the versatility of paint and watercolours as we explore various techniques to master tone and form. Whether you’re just starting your artistic journey or seeking to refine your skills, this course provides a supportive environment to nurture your confidence and creativity.
About the tutor
Sue Bedford
Sue Bedford is an artist and art teacher. Originally from Surrey, she moved to the Essex/Suffolk boarders many years ago. It is here where she is inspired by the natural world and many of her works are closely observed form her surroundings.
She studied Surface Pattern Design in Somerset and later a degree in Design Studies from the University of East Anglia.
Sue started her career in art as a Textile Designer. She worked for many years in the fashion and the furnishing industry, creating surface patterns for fabrics. Her designs have been featured in many well-known stores for example Top Shop and M and S. After leaving college she worked for Portmeiron’s fashion company “Cara”. Her designs were worn by characters on 2 well known soap operas.
Many of these early influences have continued to inform her work and her strong sense of colour is evident in her work today.
Instagram; @dottybee93
Explore our range of botanical illustration and watercolour painting courses hosted by our engaging tutors and learn from their expertise and skills. Our art courses are a chance to meet like-minded people and a chance to unwind from everyday life. They are a great opportunity to experience the UK’s glorious countryside surrounding our field centres.
What's Included
Refreshments are included, but please bring lunch with you.
Before You Attend
What to bring
- Pencils and Pens
- 2B or 3B Graphite pencil
- A Sketchbook; hard backed, casebound sketchbook either landscape or portrait format between A5 & A4 size, (210 x 150mm to 300 x 210mm) 8” x 6” to 12” x 8”approx.) containing good quality cartridge paper, durable enough for light watercolour washes. See Seawhite of Brighton Popular Portrait or Landscape Black cloth casebound sketchbook 250 x 190mm can be bought at Hobbycraft or online at www.artsaver.co.uk
Watercolour paper – 140lb /300gsm Bockingford, Langton, Saunders Waterford, Arches, Fabriano etc in a block or pad approx. 12 x 8”, 300 x 210mm - Watercolour paints, artists’ quality preferable as tubes squeezed out onto a palette or as a set of pans.
- Watercolour brushes – round Sizes 6, 8 & 12 and a Rigger no 2
- Optional: White oil pastel, Masking fluid and a white candle.
- A kneadable rubber, a pencil sharpener, kitchen roll, water-soluble coloured pencils