Discover more as you learn about lichens and improve your skills on our beginner to advanced courses.
We run regular lichens courses throughout the year delivered online and UK wide by expert tutors and follow a framework to progress your learning at a level to suit you.Lichen is a special association between a fungus and an alga. To discover more about this and other areas of lichen ecology, our lichen courses will lead you through a learning journey from beginner to advanced.
Lichens Structure
The fungus forms the main body of the lichen, providing an upper surface that protects the alga underneath, while the alga manufactures food using the energy of sunlight (photosynthesis). Each lichen has its own distinct species of fungus, but all lichens share just a small number of algae species; in most cases this is a green alga.
These are amazing small plant like structures found on a range of surfaces ranging from rocks and boulders to gravestones and the bark of trees. They are renowned indicators of air quality, superb sources of dyes and can even tell us about the acidity or alkalinity of the habitat in which they are found.

Lichens Courses
Our lichen courses are delivered by experts in the field, and will equip you with the skills and knowledge to discover more about the habits andecology of British lichens. Lichen Identification courses will teach you how to identify the key characteristics, and acquire or improve identification and survey skills.
Training is led by expert tutors who are passionate about the subject. Taking place at venues across the UK, or online, our courses are designed to progress your learning at a level to suit your needs. If you are interested in our lichen online training, you can read about our Moodle learning environment.
Each course is part of a learning framework. You can see the course level descriptions here natural history courses are available at all levels from beginner through to professional training.
Find out about bursaries for natural history courses including lichen identification courses.
Lichens Identification Resources
FSC Churchyard lichens Identification Guide will help you identify over 50 of the commonest lichens found in churchyards in Britain. The lichens are grouped according to growth form. Text on the reverse side includes guide simple illustrated lichen identification keys
FSC Lichens of heaths and moors identification guide will help you identify 62 of the commonest lichens from dry sandy heaths to wet peaty moorland.