Bats guide
WildID Bats is guide to all 16 species that live and breed in Britain. It has two parts: a night guide for flying bats, using calls and flight patterns, and a daytime guide for key for bats at rest.
WildID Bats is guide to all 16 species that live and breed in Britain. It has two parts: a night guide for flying bats, using calls and flight patterns, and a daytime guide for key for bats at rest.
There are 26 conspicuous ladybird species in Britain and Ireland. Beautiful colour paintings of all species by Chris Shields show the key colours and patterns to look out. Co-created with the UK Ladybird Survey.
Looking for a quick guide to common wild flowers? Gardens, grassy tracks, quiet lanes, hedgerows, playing elds and canal towpaths are a great place to look. Features 42 different flowers to spot.
The Waterside flowers guide covers 46 wild flowers you can see by ponds, canals, streams and rivers in Britain and Ireland. Beautiful colour paintings by Lizzie Harper show the key features of each plant.
Covering all 60 wild butterflies of Britain and Ireland, with beautiful colour life-sized paintings by acclaimed artist Richard Lewington. Co-created with Butterfly Conservation.
Gardeners know the value of pollinators. Featuring 28 species of bees found in gardens, including mining bees, cavity-nesting bees and cuckoo bees as well as the Big Six bumblebees. Co-created with Buglife.
Featuring all 20 damselflies and 26 dragonflies of Britain and Ireland, plus 5 common vagrant species. Designed for speedy identification in the field, with paintings shown at life-size.
Looking for fresh and inspiring ideas for Geography fieldwork? Creative fieldwork 2 features 15 innovative techniques to inspire and challenge your students.
28 birds to spot along the coast in summer. Featuring both cliff-nesting birds (like gannet and razorbill) and waders (like oystercatcher and avocet) as well as all the common seagulls.
The Hill and heathland flowers guide covers 47 wild flowers you can see on walks in Britain and Ireland. There are flowers to spot from early spring to late autumn - in whites, blues, yellows and purples.
38 special flowers of cliffs, sand dunes, saltmarshes and shingle, from buck’s-horn plantain and biting stonecrop to viper’s bugloss and yellow-horned poppy. Many seaside flowers don’t grow anywhere else.
Want to start identifying grasses? The FSC grasses guide features a manageable list of 30 species, all widespread and common. Descriptions and diagrams demystify specialist terms, from awns to spikelets. Also included is a multi-access key to vegetative characters.
Can you tell apart maple and sycamore? Beech and hornbeam? Pine, cedar, spruce and fir? Straightforward questions will quickly guide you to the right answers. Co-created with the Forestry Commission.
A woodland walk is a wonderful way to get outdoors and explore nature. Featuring 61 different trees, flowers, ferns and fungi, this guide will help you find plants all year round.
A great introductory guide to the countryside, with beautiful colour paintings of the common woody plants, wild flowers, berries and seed heads, birds, mammals and invertebrates that live in the hedgerow.
Although most moths fly at night, a good number are active during the day. This guide shows 103 species which fly in the daytime, including tiger moths, burnet moths and clearwings.