ISBN Number
  • birds bundle

    February Birds Bundle

    Original price was: £12.00.Current price is: £10.00.

    It may still be cold, but February is a great month to look for birds. The bare branches of trees make them so much easier to spot than later on in the year. This winter wildlife bundle features over 100 different birds to find this winter: in the garden, local parks, and on ponds and rivers.

  • geology bundle

    February Geology Bundle

    Original price was: £12.00.Current price is: £10.00.

    You shouldn't have to go far to find lots of different rocks and minerals. Old buildings, stone walls and gravestones are a great place to look, and it is much easier in winter when plants have died back. Start your hunt for local rocks, minerals and fossils with three photographic WildID guides.

  • lichens bundle

    February Lichens Bundle

    Original price was: £12.00.Current price is: £10.00.

    Although lichens are visible all year round, winter is a really good time to look, as branches are bare and plants have died down. You could even monitor your local air quality, as lichens are well known as natural indicators of the health of our environment.

  • Raptors


    Original price was: £4.00.Current price is: £3.00.

    WildID Raptors is a new field guide designed for real-world raptor watching, featuring all 16 day-flying species in Britain and Ireland.

  • chalk rivers

    Chalk rivers guide

    Original price was: £4.00.Current price is: £3.00.

    Chalk rivers guide features the special insects, molluscs, mammals, fish and flowering plants that live around chalk streams and rivers.

  • winter coastal birds guide

    Winter coastal birds guide


    44 birds to spot along the coast in winter. Seaside birding in winter is quite different to summer: plumage varies, some species are only present in the winter months and large feeding flocks can be seen.

  • Park and garden birds

    Park and Garden Birds Guide


    Is that a chaffinch, greenfinch or bullfinch at the bird feeder? Do you know a great tit from a blue tit? Covering the top 50 birds seen in parks and gardens, including ponds and rivers.

  • Ducks geese and swans

    Ducks geese and swans guide


    Visiting a wetland reserve? Covering all 32 wild waterfowl in Britain including dabbling ducks, diving ducks, sawbills, swans and wild geese. Especially suitable for winter wildlife watching.

  • waders



    WildID Waders of Britain and Ireland guide is for beginners and improvers. It includes 28 wader species known to occur in Britain and Ireland on a regular basis.

  • mammal tracks

    Mammal tracks and signs guide


    Many mammals are shy, making them difficult to see. But mammals often leave signs they have visited an area, like tracks, droppings and burrows. Co-created with the Mammal Society.

  • gilled fungi

    Distinctive gilled fungi


    The Distinctive gilled fungi guide covers 40 species of fungi found in Britain and Ireland. Gilled fungi are the mushroom style fungi which produce their spores from gills underneath a cap.

  • Distinctive non gilled fungi

    Distinctive non-gilled fungi


    The Distinctive non-gilled fungi guide covers 40 species of puffballs, earthballs, tooth fungi, clubs, corals, bracket fungi and boletes of Britain and Ireland.

  • Distinctive grassland fungi

    Distinctive grassland fungi


    The Distinctive grassland fungi guide covers 40 species of spindles, corals, earthtongues, waxcaps, puffballs and more in Britain and Ireland.

  • Autumn fruits and seeds

    Autumn fruits and seeds


    Showing 33 different nuts, cones, flying seeds and fleshy fruit produced by trees and shrubs, from acorns to sloes. How many can you find?

  • Harvestmen



    Harvestmen are spider-like invertebrates common in late summer and autumn, although species are present all year. The 2nd edition of the FSC's fold-out guide to harvestmen covers all 34 species from Britain and Ireland.

  • shark and skate eggcases

    Shark and skate eggcases


    WildID Shark and skate eggcases features the eggcases of the 3 sharks and 10 skates reported to the Great Eggcase Hunt from around the coasts of Britain and Ireland.