These courses provide an opportunity for schools with low student numbers or home schooled students to carry out the necessary fieldwork for their qualification.


A level

NEA covering coasts and place at Rhyd y Creuau

Environmental Science at Rhyd-y-Ceuau, North Wales

Geography Skills for Indpendent Investigations at Rhyd-y-Creuau, North Wales

Biology covering biodiversity, succession and ecological energetics at Rhyd-y-Creuau, North Wales

Geography NEA covering carbon and water, place and coast skills along with NEA planning & data collection at Rhyd-y-Creuau, North Wales

Geography NEA covering carbon and water, place and GLACIATION skills along with NEA planning & data collection at Rhyd-y-Creuau, North Wales

NEA covering coasts and place at Nettlecombe Court, Somerset

Biology Ecosystems and practical skills Preston Montford, Shropshire

Geography NEA carbon, water and place skills with planning & data collection, Shropshire

Environmental Science, Preston Montford Shropshire

NEA covering water and place at Slapton Ley, Devon

Environmental Science at Slapton Ley, Devon

Geography Skills for Indpendent Investigations, Devon

A Level Geography Skills for Indpendent Investigations, Devon

NEA Covering Carbon and Changing Place Skills Full NEA at Juniper Hall, Surrey

Woodlands, Secondary Succession, Grasslands at Juniper Hall, Surrey

A level and Advanced Highers

Research projects, Biology, Environmental science, Geography 3 day at Millport, Scotland

Research projects, Biology, Environmental science, Geography 5 day at Millport, Scotland

Multiple day non residential

A level

A Level NEA Independent Investigation at London Sites

A Level NEA Independent Investigation at Epping Forest

AQA Enhanced Fieldwork Techniques, Required Practical 12

AQA Enhanced Fieldwork Techniques, Required practical 10/12

Edexcel B Enhanced Fieldwork Techniques Core Practical 15 and 16 at Epping Forest

OCR Enhanced Fieldwork Techniques PAG 3,

Day courses

A level

Carbon and Water Cycle

Changing Places



KS4 AQA/Edexcel A/OCR Geog Rivers

Urban regeneration at London Urban Sites

These courses are for groups of 9 or less students from any one school. On residential courses, students must be accompanied by a responsible adult (usually a teacher from a school, but could be a parent/carer for an individual student).

The course price includes in-course transport, whilst at the centre, and is exempt from VAT.

Please bring your own packed lunch for the first day, and for any day course. All other meals on residential trips are included up to a packed lunch on the last day.