Geological maps

Geological maps are useful to help explain the formation of large scale coastal landforms.

The BGS Map Viewer allows students to access Bedrock and Superficial Geology Maps for the whole country.

geology of south wales
Geology map of South Wales by British Geological Survey / Reproduced with the permission of the British Geological Survey ©NERC. All rights Reserved.


Waves are important agents of coastal change. They are strongly influenced by wind speed and direction. To understand the processes at work in a coastal area it is necessary to understand the prevailing wind direction. Earth is an interactive virtual globe showing live wind and wave maps.

global wave map
Global wave map by Earth / Uses open data provided by NASA. © Cameron Beccario 2016.
Global surface wind map
Global surface wind map by Earth / Uses open data provided by NASA. © Cameron Beccario 2016.

Weather and climate

Met Office Regional Climate Data provides long term wind data for the various regions of the UK including wind rose diagrams for wind speed and direction.

Coastal flooding

Coastal flooding is a significant hazard to many living in coastal areas.

Environment Agency (England) and National Resources Wales provide flood maps. These give details of locations at risk from coastal flooding.

flood risk map
Flood risk map by Natural Resources Wales / Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.

Both sites also contain details about coastal defences and Shoreline Management Plans (SMPs).

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